Monday, December 28, 2020

Tips To Look Beautiful This Holiday Season And New Year

We all agree that 2020 has been a challenging year, and many of us are eagerly waiting to step into the New Year. As we are heading into this winter holiday season and 2021 is around the corner, we have some tips on how to look great at New Year parties and grab people's attention. Let’s have a look at some tips:

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Great Skin Care

First and most importantly, we suggest that you should count on a professional and reliable board-certified plastic surgeon to turn your skin into the desired shape. We advise you to always look for the best products and treatments to achieve the best results.

Skin procedures like microdermabrasion, micro-needling, and chemical peels are the best ways to exfoliate your skin with a rosy glow and smoother appearance. These procedures along with the home products help you maximize skin health than ever.

Laser Therapies

Laser treatments are huge in demand and very effective for skin problems like sun damage, loose skin, and scarring. These treatments consist of Skin Tyte, BroadBand Light, Halo, or Ablative therapies. Depending on your skin type and issue, your board-certified plastic surgeon can help to choose the right treatment plan as per your needs. For such treatments, downtime is a couple of hours to two weeks.

Injectable Treatments

Botox in Dubai and Dysport are the most used treatments to smooth the wrinkles and fine lines that appear on smile lines. A tiny needle is used to insert the specific areas of the face, and the overall treatment is done within just five minutes. Sometimes you may have redness or bruising on your face.

Dermal fillers used to fill deeper lines such as nasolabial folds, hollow areas in cheeks or under the eyes, and lines around the lips. Depending on the location you want to transform, there are different types of fillers available. Typically, they are either hyaluronic acid or collagen-based treatment. Such treatments require 20-30 minutes to perform and can cause bruising or swelling at a specific location. Its effects last 2-10 days depending on the patients and the number of fillers injected.

Getting Ready For The Holiday Season Or New Year

Are you planning to woo people around you at the New Year event? If you want to look great this holiday season or New Year, head toward B-Spoke without thinking twice. Here you will meet with a board-certified surgeon, Dr. Faisal Salim, and his professional staff. He has done plenty of successful surgeries and has built his reputation strong with years of experience.

To undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure is an exciting decision, we are ready to help you to make the decision that is right for you. From Botox to breast reduction and filler for cheeks, we have got you covered. People all over the UAE count on us, and we have extensive experience in the relevant industry. We help you achieve your desired results!

1 comment:

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