Monday, March 22, 2021

Top Treatments To Look Attractive In 2021

We all have stepped into 2021, and as one more year is down, people are more concerned about their looks.  In this modern era, new trends in appearance are emerging, and people are focused to transform themselves. Some people opt for treatments due to their growing age and others due to their specific transformation goals. This transformation can be Botox, breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, and more than anyone can think of.


Great Skin Care

First and most importantly, we suggest that you should hire a professional and reliable board-certified plastic surgeon to make your skin look fresh than ever. We advise you to use the best quality products and treatments to achieve the desired results. Skin procedures like microdermabrasion, micro-needling, and chemical peels are the top ways to exfoliate your skin with a rosy glow and smoother appearance.

Injectable Treatments

Botox and filler for cheeks are the most used treatments to smooth the wrinkles and fine lines that appear on a smile lines. A tiny needle is used to insert the specific areas of the face, and the treatment is completed within just five minutes. Sometimes you may have redness or bruising on the specific area.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are used to fill deeper lines such as nasolabial folds, hollow areas in cheeks or under the eyes, and lines around the lips. Depending on the location you want to transform, there are different types of fillers available. Typically, they are either hyaluronic acid or collagen-based treatment. Such treatments require 20-30 minutes to perform and can cause bruising or swelling at a specific location. Its effects last 2-10 days depending on the patients and the number of fillers injected.

Laser Therapies

Laser treatments are huge in demand nowadays and very effective for skin problems such as sun damage, loose skin, and scarring. These treatments consist of Skin Type, BroadBand Light, Halo, or Ablative therapies. Depending on your skin type and issue, your board-certified plastic surgeon helps you to choose the right treatment as per your requirements and medical history. For these treatments, downtime can be from a couple of hours to two weeks.

Transform Yourself With B-Spoke!

Are you planning to woo people with your new and modern look? If yes, head toward B-Spoke without thinking twice. Here you will meet with a board-certified surgeon, Dr. Faisal Salim, and his professional staff. He has done plenty of successful surgeries and has built his reputation strong with years of experience. People all over the UAE count on us, and we have extensive experience in the relevant industry.

To undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure is an exciting decision, we are ready to help you to make the decision that is right for you. From Botox to breast reduction and breast augmentation in Dubai, we have got you covered. We help you achieve your desired results!

Monday, March 8, 2021

Questions To Ask Your Plastic Surgeon About Breast Reconstruction

Following a breast injury or mastectomy, many women tend to opt for breast reconstruction to form their breasts in a proper and beautiful shape. As with other types of breast enhancement surgeries, you will have multiple options to choose from as per your requirements. To help you get the desired results, consider asking the below-mentioned questions related to the breast reconstruction procedure from your board-certified plastic surgeon.

breast augmentation in Dubai

Is Breast Reconstruction Right For Me?

Before getting into any plastic surgery procedure, it’s important to schedule a meeting with your surgeon to discuss your goals. Your surgeon will help you decide whether breast reconstruction could be the right choice for you and wherein your treatment may fit perfectly. It is also the best time to talk about your breast reconstruction options and whether you’d like to restore your previous appearance or if you’d like to change the size of your breasts.

What Is The Perfect Breast Size For Me?

When you plan to have breast reconstruction, remember that you can customize your procedure the way you want. This way, you can choose if you'd like your breast size to stay the same or change. Your professional plastic surgeon can assist you to decide what breast size could be the perfect fit for you. Many women prefer breast sizes that remain in balance with their body proportions by giving a natural look.

What Can I Expect During Recovery Procedure?

Make your mind to follow the plastic surgeon's post-surgery guidelines before getting into the procedure. For example, ask questions like:

  • How much time will I need to take off from work?
  • When can I join the gym and perform physical activities?
  • Will I have a post-surgical drain? If yes, when it will remove?
  • What will be my physical limitations?
  • What should I wear after breast reconstruction?

Remember that the answers to these questions will vary from woman to woman and depend on an individual's body healing process. So no one answer fits all questions. It’s a good idea to discuss the facts of your recovery beforehand so you’ll have an idea of what your recovery timeline might look like.

When Will I See Desired Results?

The type of breast surgery defines how much time it might take to see a noticeable change in the look of your breasts. Reconstruction with implants is less involved than flap reconstruction. Therefore, your recovery and results will vary depending on which technique you choose. In some women, results are visible right after breast reconstruction. Moreover, keep in touch with your board-certified plastic surgeon throughout the recovery procedure to ensure that results are the same as expected.

Transform Yourself With B-Spoke!

Be it breast reconstruction or breast augmentation in Dubai, count on B-Spoke. Dr. Faisal Salim with his professional staff has years of experience in the relevant industry. We have built our reputation strong by offering top-notch cosmetic surgery services to people all over the UAE. We use advanced technology for breast reduction in Dubai. Plastic surgery is no more a big hassle when you choose us. We transform your body the way you have always desired at affordable rates.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Difference Between Facelift, Mid-Facelift, And Mini-Facelift

Has your face lost its younger look? Do you want to rejuvenate and lift it? If yes, a facelift is the right choice for you. When it comes to a facelift, what type do you need to have? At B-Spoke, we offer traditional facelift, mid-facelift, and mini facelift services. The important decision is to make the right choice for your needs. Read the article to know the difference between different types of facelifts.

facelift in dubai


The traditional facelift tightens and lifts the skin across your face. This procedure is performed on its own but often paired with other procedures such as mid-facelift, facial liposuction, brow lift, or neck lift. During the facelift procedure, incisions are made around the ears and behind the hairline. The professional surgeon removes extra fat, cuts, and tightens the muscles. It can improve the overall appearance of the lower half of the face. When paired with liposuction, it reduces double chin. However, you need to take a couple of weeks off from work for the facelift recovery.


The mid-facelift is a new addition to the facelift surgery procedure. It enables the surgeon to lift and tighten tissues that cannot treat with a traditional facelift. This surgery stiffens skin in the cheeks and lower eyelids by uplifting the fat pad in the cheek. It gives volume to the face and restores fullness to the eye and cheek areas. Remember that dermal fillers provide similar results, but they are not permanent.

Recovery is faster than a traditional facelift. This procedure can be performed on its own but balanced with a traditional facelift. When combined with a facelift, the mid-facelift creates a more natural and revitalized look.


For patients in their late 40s and early 50s, a mini-facelift is the right choice. If it is performed early, a mini-facelift may prevent the signs of aging before they become visible and may decrease the need for cosmetic surgeries. In this procedure, the incisions are smaller and shorter than a regular facelift. Muscles are tightened, but not cut. Recovery is much easier as compared to a regular facelift and takes about a week to recover.

Start Your Journey With B-Spoke Today!

A facelift in Dubai is a safe and useful method for patients who want to make their faces younger. This procedure causes minimal pain and discomfort to the patient. To see the best results with minimum to zero complications, head toward B-Spoke today. Consult a board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Faisal Salim to achieve your desired goals.

The complication chances minimize themselves if an expert surgeon is carrying out your surgery. With extensive experience in the relevant industry, we have built our reputation strong. Whether it is a facelift or filler for cheeks, we have got you covered. People all over the UAE count on us to transform their look.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Things That Make Plastic Surgery Recovery Comfortable

Did you know that plastic surgery recovery can be a pleasant experience? Many people expect discomfort and extensive downtime, and they feel enchanted when they know how easy recovery can be. By managing your house and affairs before planning a surgery, you can ready yourself for a relaxing period of downtime.

breast augmentation in Dubai

The type of surgery you want to have will affect the time you spend recovering, but if you’re prepared you can enjoy and make those few days or weeks remarkable. What do you need for recovery after a plastic surgery procedure? We suggest the following things:


If you want to watch your favorite show on Netflix, after surgery you’ll have time. And if you’re a book lover, pick up that book you’ve been wanting to read for months. Downtime after surgery will mean only sitting on the couch or lying in bed.

Comfy Clothes

Comfy clothing is a must while recovering from plastic surgery. For example, if you have undergone breast reduction in Dubai, you should avoid stretching as much as possible. Loose clothes help you to slip into, and we recommend button-up tops after breast surgeries.

Sanitizing Products

Your body will have incisions after surgery that need to heal. By sanitizing your hands and incisions, you can diminish any risk of infection. Antibacterial soaps and hand gels keep your hands and environment hygienic.

Vitamins And Supplements

When your body feels down, especially while recovering from plastic surgery, you need to take care of your immune system with multivitamins and supplements. These can offer your body an extra little edge that needs to heal faster. Make a habit to consult your surgeon about any medications or supplements you’re having.

A Helping Hand

It’s quite simple that you need help while recovering from plastic surgery. You may need support with little daily tasks like driving home from the clinic, washing dishes, or running out to the nearest grocery store.  Patients with small children will need someone's help as they can't do work for a couple of weeks.

Readymade Meals

You don’t need to worry about preparing a meal during plastic surgery recovery. You can use stored meals prepared before your surgery. Having these readymade items in the refrigerator will make your recovery easier and tummy full.


Many people overlook the importance of hydration in recovering from surgery. You should stay hydrated to get rid of medications and anesthesia efficiently. Water also improves your mood, boosts energy, and helps with your digestion.

First Aid Kit

Our board-certified surgeon and his team at B-Spoke will teach you how to care for your incisions as you heal. If you have done breast augmentation in Dubai, you may find it helpful to antibiotic ointment and bandaging at the top of your table.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Advantages Of Having Plastic Surgery Procedure In Winters

Men and women opt for plastic surgery due to different reasons. However, the most common reason is to increase their confidence by properly enhancing the look of their body contours. Many people prefer having plastic surgery procedures for summers as they want to show their bodies in bathing suits, sundresses, and shorts.

facelift in dubai

Plastic surgery is a multi-step procedure that requires planning, surgical date, and recovery period to heal. Remember that the recovery period can last from a couple of weeks to months even. To ensure that recovery will not affect your summer plans, consider scheduling your plastic surgery procedure during winters.

Scars Fade

Scarring is an unavoidable part of any plastic surgery, and it is always at its worst right after the procedure. Even when the wound heals, scars will be red and swollen. It can take years to fade out, and momentous amount of scar healing occurs in the first few months. If you opt for plastic surgery in winters, you have enough time to heal before summer. This season also beneficial for liposuction, tummy tuck, and breast augmentation in Dubai.

Swelling Disappears

Scars may require months to drop their redness, and the same happens in the case of swelling. Most of the time it decreases after a few weeks, but sometimes it can take up to six months. It affects the overall quality of results and hinders the appearance of your final contour. Therefore, plan your surgery early so that swelling is gone before summer arrives.

Winters Enable Quick Concealment

When you return to your normal activities and daily routines, you may experience the visible effects of the recovery process. Winter allows for easier concealment of these recovery effects. Long sleeves, loose sweaters, and scarves help to hide the treatment areas.

Start Your Journey With B-Spoke!

If you think that plastic surgery might be the right choice for you and your aesthetic goals, meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon for a consultation. At B-Spoke, Dr. Faisal Salim and his skilled staff are ready to meet your desired body goals with years of experience. From arm lift to Botox in Dubai, we have always been the first choice for the people who want to transform themselves. Meeting your body goals is no more a big dream now. We guide you through the entire process from initial consultation to the day you achieve a full recovery and beyond.


Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Protection With Botox And Filler For Cheeks Treatments

Have you ever wanted to have Botox or filler for cheeks treatment? It can be difficult to know where to look so that you can ensure the safety of the treatment. We tell you three tips to consider while looking for a safe and top-quality injectables clinic.

Botox in Dubai

Fillers and Botox in Dubai are huge in demand. People are considering injectable treatments at a younger age than before. The reason behind these treatments is to look more beautiful. Remember that all injectable treatments are temporary, and their effect will go away after a while. If you’re ready to take the next step and go for a consultation, what do you need to look for specifically?

Specialization And Experience

During your consult, find out who will manage the treatment. In many countries, doctors appoint a student who just completed his or her degree as a basic doctor to perform injectable treatments. It is not preferred because they do not have enough knowledge and experience as a board-certified plastic surgeon. We suggest three types of doctors’ hierarchy such as:

  • Plastic Surgeon
  • Certified Cosmetic Doctor
  • A doctor who has done injectable courses

When choosing between a plastic surgeon and a cosmetic doctor, we recommend a plastic surgeon. Because, he or she is specialized in this field while the regular doctor is associated with a cosmetic certification.

Get Details On The Products

After finding the right doctor, it is significant that the doctor or clinic works with branded products. There are still clinics that buy cheap products that don't have the best quality to get desired results. Therefore, always ask the clinics with which brands they work.

For Botox, there are the top four brands that are most used. These brands are:

  • BOTOX Cosmetic (Allergan)
  • Azzalure (Galderma)
  • Bocouture (Merz)
  • Xeomin

For the injectable fillers, some of the most famous brands and products are:

Note: There are Chinese BOTOX knockoffs that are way stronger than the American BOTOX formulation. Don’t forget to ask the clinics with which brands they work.

Check Reviews

One more thing you may need to consider is reviews. These reviews are helpful to make the right decision. Some clinics only put positive comments on their official website. Head toward Google for authentic reviews. Moreover, look for reviews or information about the doctor.

Head Toward B-Spoke Today!

The most common places to have Botox and filler treatment are medical spas and clinics. The treatment is widely available there, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find a reliable platform to get the procedure done. At B-Spoke, you will meet with a board-certified surgeon, Dr. Faisal Salim, and his professional staff. To undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure is a stirring decision we are ready to help you make the right decision.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Should You Add Liposuction To Your Tummy Tuck?

Are crunches and sit-ups not doing well to get rid of your belly fat or loose skin? Are you finding different efficient ways to make your stomach lean, despite your healthy diet and constant exercise routine?

Botox in dubai

Well, it’s not your mistake if you’re not achieving your desired goals. Excessive skin and stretched muscles due to pregnancy, or stubborn fat are conditions that many of us encounter at least once in a lifetime.

You might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck, liposuction, or a combination surgery. Uniting the two procedures, known as lipoabdominoplasty, it might be the best choice if you want to tighten your abdominal area and remove extra fat.

Liposuction uses suction to eliminate subcutaneous fat in belly fat and back rolls. What it doesn’t address is extra skin or muscle laxity that may occur due to pregnancy or weight loss. Whereas, a tummy tuck eradicates excess skin and tightens loose abdominal muscles, causing a smooth and toned physique. A tummy tuck may not be a suitable option for stubborn fat surrounding the abdomen and tummy.

How Does Liposuction Complement a Tummy Tuck?

At the initial stage of your tummy tuck surgery, your surgeon performs liposuction throughout the abdominal area to remove extra fat. A tiny tube is injected through small incisions in the abdomen, and the fat cells are removed with the help of an aspirator. After removing the fat, the tummy tuck is performed by removing left-over tissue and skin.

Benefits of Adding Liposuction to Your Tummy Tuck

The primary benefit of adding liposuction to your tummy tuck is that diet-resistant fat can be removed. Setting up only one surgery to achieve desired results is an excellent benefit for someone with a busy schedule. When your tummy tuck is combined with liposuction, body contouring results are maximized. Removing excess fat and stretched loose skin is the most efficient approach in getting ready for that new bathing suit. Liposuction, joined with other procedures, is safe and huge in demand. For the mommy makeover, your board-certified plastic surgeon offers, liposuction combined with a tummy tuck.

How Do You Decide to Add Liposuction to Your Tummy Tuck?

Learn how you can combine these two procedures during your initial consultation with your surgeon at B-Spoke. The result of this meeting will be a fully individualized surgery plan to suit your anatomy and the desired result. From Botox to breast reduction in Dubai and facelift in Dubai, we have got you covered. Schedule a personal consultation online or by calling +971 04 348 5600 today!

Top Treatments To Look Attractive In 2021

We all have stepped into 2021, and as one more year is down, people are more concerned about their looks.   In this modern era, new trends i...