Monday, August 10, 2020

Say No To Extra Belly Fat And Skin with Tummy Tuck

Many people fight to get rid of their excessive belly, which is generally common in women after weight loss or pregnancy. When exercise and dieting both get fail to achieve flat tummy goals, then a tummy tuck is the right decision to go with. It is a surgical process that eliminates the extra skin tissues and unwanted fat from the belly. It also helps to get rid of stretch marks for people who want a flawless figure and a lean body contour.

Everyone has unique requirements, some people need minor modifications, and some require a complete makeover. Therefore, surgery is particularly designed as per patient's requirements. There are several types of tummy tuck procedures that the surgeon advises as to the most suitable option for the patients. 

Best plastic surgeon dubai

Traditional Tummy Tuck or Full Abdominoplasty

If someone wants to get rid of extra skin folds above and below the belly button, then they should have a full tummy tuck surgery. With the help of a U-shaped or horizontal incision, the surgeon cuts the extra skin from above the navel down to the public area that might be compromised due to pregnancy, obesity, and general negligence. This procedure also helps to tighten the abdominal muscles. It is usually recommended in patients with the excess weakening of abdominal muscles and midsection skin.

Extended Tummy Tuck

Some people have extra skin and fat in the abdominal area. This situation is common in women who have involved in multiple pregnancies. The surgery has large incisions from the upper or lower abdomen to the hip. The love handles are transferred to the side of thighs to improve the hips' shape. In this process, a layer of more profound tissues issued to preserve and support the repair.

Mini Abdominoplasty

Many people have loose skin and stretch marks below their belly button. To get rid of this, the plastic surgeon tightens the loose muscles and removes extra skin to restore flat and smooth abdominal walls. The patient can quickly recover after this mini surgery.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck

After bariatric surgery or weight loss, people usually experience a significant loss of skin elasticity and develops a huge bulge of skin in the abdomen along with lower back and hips. For this surgery, a horizontal incision is used that runs across the lower belly to the back on each side. The unwanted fat and extra skin are removed from buttocks, central abdominal area, and thighs.

Tummy tuck

Endoscopic Tummy Tuck

The tummy tuck is performed on patients who have little abdominal fat, loose skin, and weak abdominal muscles. In this process, a thin tube is inserted into the incision site attached with a tiny camera. This procedure is applied to people who're suffering from recuts diastasis.

If you're looking for the best plastic surgeon Dubai, look no further. Dr. Faisal Salim has successfully performed thousands of surgeries, including the face, body, and breast surgeries.

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