Thursday, October 1, 2020

Traditional Facelift And Noninvasive Facelift – All You Need To Know About

When the aging signs start showing on your face, you may need to find facelift in Dubai procedure to look young. However, the world of plastic surgery has changed significantly in the past few years, especially huge gratitude to the development of skin injections and fillers. Now people don't need to go for a traditional facelift, in which incisions are made around the scalp line and muscles are pulled back. Therefore, how do you know which facelift procedure is best to go with, and what will be the possible outcome? Let's get started with the difference between a traditional facelift and a non-invasive facelift.

facelift in Dubai

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift is a famous type of facelift and people count on this for a few decades. This invasive cosmetic procedure helps to reposition the skin and muscles on the neck and face to improve the shape of the jawline. Your surgeon pulls back the skin on the face that removes sagging muscles, wrinkles, and deep lines around the face. The surgeon might also trim extra skin to get a perfect and refreshed look.

Some surgeons perform endoscopic facelift that consists of technological devices to reduce incisions as well as make the overall process less painful. The patient may want to consider the traditional facelift if they have the following symptoms:

  • Sagging face muscles
  • Hooded or dropping eyes
  • Loose jawlines
  • Wrinkles and deep creases

Noninvasive Facelift

For young patients who don't need a traditional facelift, a noninvasive facelift offers restorative results without anesthesia or incisions. The non-surgical facelift includes fillers for cheeks and skin injections to contour the jawline and provide the volume to cheeks. These results can last between one to two years, depending on the skin fillers. The patient may want to consider the non-invasive facelift if they have the following symptoms:

  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • The jawline is defined but could be contoured more
  • Less volume in cheeks

Start Your Facelift Journey With B-Spoke

If you think that a traditional facelift or noninvasive facelift might be an ideal choice for you and your aesthetic goals, head toward B-Spoke. Here you meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Faisal Salim for a detailed consultation. At B-Spoke, we strive to deliver the highest standards of care and provide an unparalleled patient journey and experience. To know more about services, visit B-Spoke Clinic today. Transform your body the way you want with the help of professionals!

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